Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 8.1.0; Redmi Note 5 Pro Build/OPM1.171019.011; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/94.0.4606.85 Mobile Safari/537.36 OcIdWebView ({\x5Cx22os\x5Cx22:\x5Cx22Android\x5Cx22,\x5Cx22osVersion\x5Cx22:\x5Cx2227\x5Cx22,\x5Cx22app\x5Cx22:\\x5Cx22,\x5Cx22appVersion\x5Cx22:\x5Cx22218\x5Cx22,\x5Cx22style\x5Cx22:2,\x5Cx22isDarkTheme\x5Cx22:false})
This user agent string belongs to Android WebView browser running on Android OS. The browser is developed by Google Inc and renders web pages using the Blink engine.
Name | Android WebView |
Version | 94.0 |
Architecture | 32-bit |
Developer | Google Inc |
Rendering Engine | Blink |
Type | Browser |
Name | Android |
Version | 8.1 |
Architecture | 32-bit |
Developer | Google Inc |
Name | Redmi Note 5 Pro |
Type | Mobile Phone |
Pointer | touchscreen |
Vendor | Xiaomi Tech |
Brand | Xiaomi |
ActiveX Controls | No |
Background Sounds | No |
Cookies | Yes |
Frames | Yes |
Iframes | Yes |
Java Applets | No |
JavaScript | Yes |
Tables | Yes |
VBScript | No |
RSS Reader | No |
Fake | No |
Crawler | No |
Anonymized | No |
Mobile | Yes |
Tablet | No |
Modified | No |
Beta Version | No |
Alpha Version | No |
CSS 1 | Yes |
CSS 2 | Yes |
CSS 3 | Yes |
CSS 4 | No |